
Service: Brand Identity

Date: February 2017

Country: Perú


Experion is a technology channel on YouTube that provides content related to tips, news and current affairs on the main mobile and desktop platforms, such as Android, iOS and Windows. The objective was to rethink the visual identity for the brand, in a way that reflected the knowledge provided in the channel and also the type of content related to technology.

For this brand, very specific characteristics were assigned, such as Technology, Experience and Adaptability. First, a naming was created that reflects experience in the subject, so it was necessary to maintain the concept when managing the visual identity. For this reason, the main idea proposed for the logo was to choose the first three letters of the name (EXP), as they are easily recognizable and visually effective, and unify them with the infinity symbol (∞), since technology remains in constant change and evolution.

When defining the colors, it was found that the competition uses blue a lot, so it was necessary to create something that would stand out. For this, a neon green was used, which is associated with technology, and a layout that allows the design to be adaptable and recognizable for the different sizes of digital platforms.

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